Take a look at your feet and see what they say about your health - AMAZING IDEAS TO DO



Thursday, July 19, 2018

Take a look at your feet and see what they say about your health

It’s not very commonly known, but our feet are amazing diagnostic tools that we can use in order to find clues that potentially point to various health problems. You don’t need to be a doctor to understand what your own feet say about your health. It’s important to know which warning signs to look out for when it comes to your feet.
We made a list of telltale signs or symptoms in your feet you that might be alarming indicators for your overall health.


It is usually caused by a cardiovascular disease, like arteriosclerosis which causes your arteriesto harden, making it difficult for your heart to pump blood effectively all around your body. When something like this happens, your heart goes into recovery mode where it prioritizes the distribution of the blood to more vital organs leaving extremities like your feet with reduced blood supply.


Koilonychia is a nail disease in which the nails become abnormally thin and lose their convexity, becoming flat or even concave in shape, looking like a spoon. This condition starts to appear in the middle of the nail as it drops down and the edges are raised to give a rounded appearance.
This condition is associated with iron deficiency, otherwise known as anemia which is the most common blood disorder in the world. When an iron deficiency is left untreated it can cause a series of additional health problems such as fatigue, pale skin, shortness of breath and chest pain, dizziness, headaches and the list goes on.
Diabetes influences foot ulcers in different ways, and it is important for people with diabetes to understand the potentially severe consequences of leaving foot sores and ulcers untreated. Unfortunately, for some people who suffer from diabetes, the end result of a foot ulcer can be amputation. However, less serious foot ulcers can still take a long time to heal and be very painful and uncomfortable.
  • Get immediate medical care for an open sore or wound.
  • Work with a medical professional to better control your diabetes.


This is because the essential nutrients carried in the blood vessels do not reach the extremities as frequently. Lack of blood circulation to the extremities like your hands and feet can also show up as chronic fungal infections.


Thicker than normal, yellow toenails is the handiwork of a fungal infection. Bad hygiene is one of the leading causes of fungal infections in your toenails. These infections are typically caused by personal habits such as wearing shoes made of non-breathable materials that cause sweat to mix with bacteria.
Wearing sweaty socks for long periods of time or going barefoot in questionable public places can also lead to fungal infections. If you believe you have an infection, talk to your doctor about treatment options, including over-the-counter products that may benefit you.


Neuropathy is a result of high blood glucose levels that damage the blood vessels which supply the nerves. This then prevents nutrients from reaching the blood vessels which results in the disappearance of the nerve fiber.
Sensory neuropathy damages the nerves that carry “messages” of touch, pain, temperature and other sensations from the skin to the brain. It mainly affects the nerves located in the legs and feet, but in some cases, it can affect the arms and hands as well.
If you have lost the ability to feel pain in your feet, you experience tingling/numbness or the ability to feel temperature, check in with your doctor to see what you can do to improve your diabetes treatment.


The inflammation that is associated with rheumatoid arthritis is what can damage other parts of the body as well, even though the inflammation of this condition can be controlled with modern medications, severe cases of rheumatoid arthritis can still cause different physical disabilities.
If you believe you are experiencing something like this, you will definitely want to get your joints checked out as soon as possible.


It is usually caused by a contagious fungal infection called “tinea pedis” that people can get from walking barefoot in public places such as, gyms, public swimming pools, communal showers and nail salons.
Athlete’s foot can be cured very easily using anti-fungal creams, however, if you also suffer from diabetes or a weak immune system, it’s better to see your doctor.


It is not completely understood why clubbing occurs, however, certain diseases activate its components in the bloodstream. This can be triggered by several conditions that are related to the lungs and the respiratory system such as lung cancer, cystic fibrosis, pulmonary fibrosis, bronchiectasis or asbestosis. Digital clubbing may also be a symptom of various other diseases and disorders like different types of cancer, heart defects, an overactive thyroid, inflammation in the intestine, and liver disease.
You should make an appointment with your doctor if you notice any signs of clubbing either on your fingernails or toenails. The underlying conditions that cause clubbing are serious, and early diagnosis can lead to a more effective treatment.


Toes that change in color is a prime feature of Raynaud’s Disease. Raynaud’s Diseaseis a condition that causes the extremities of your body such as your fingers and toes to change color and feel numb and cold in response to temperature or stress. This happens because smaller arteries that distribute blood to your skin narrow, limiting blood circulation to the affected areas.
During an attack when suffering from this disease, the affected areas of your skin usually turn white. After that, they might turn blue and feel cold and numb. As the person warms up and the circulation improves, then the affected area turns red with some swelling and itching.
You should see your doctor immediately if you have a history of Raynaud’s Disease in your family and you notice a sore or an infection in either your fingers or toes.


If you notice the soles of your feet becoming more red, painful and sometimes even numb, then that could be a sign of deep vein thrombosis. This is a serious condition that occurs when a piece of a blood clot breaks off into the bloodstream and blocks one of the blood vessels in the lungs. It can cause pain and swelling in the leg and may lead to complications like a pulmonary embolism which can be life-threatening if left untreated.
Deep vein thrombosis usually happens in people that are over 50 years old, but a family history of the disease and certain lifestyle choices can trigger it sooner. For example, smokers, overweight people, people who’ve had injuries and bone fractures, birth control users — or even those who remain seated for long periods of time — can suffer from the condition.
Strangely enough, symptoms only occur in about half of the people who have this condition according to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.
Common symptoms include:
  • Swelling in your foot, sole, or the ankle of legs
  • Cramping pain in the affected area
  • Warmer skin in infected areas
  • Skin on the affected area turns red or blue in color
If you believe you are suffering from deep vein thrombosis, you should visit your doctor as soon as possible. It can develop into a more serious condition as mentioned earlier (pulmonary embolism) which can prevent you from breathing.


One of the most common triggers of gout is dehydration. When your body is dehydrated it increases the amount of uric acid it produces which then results in hyperuricemia. In healthy individuals, uric acid flows through the liver, into the bloodstream, where it is excreted in urine, or passed through the intestine to regulate levels. When you are dehydrated the kidneys do not function properly and uric acid is not removed from the blood through excretion, and it starts to build up around the joints, especially in feet.
If this is left untreated it can cause permanent damage to your joints. So if you believe you are suffering from gout, it is important to book an appointment with your doctor right away to prevent further problems from developing.
Have you been diagnosed with any of these health conditions or noticed any of these symptoms on your feet without knowing what they meant? Have you seen a doctor yet? What was your experience? Please let us know in the comments below.

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